Greetings Focopolitans!
“Greetings, Focopolitans! Welcome to Fort Collins’ premiere source of community satirical news. We look forward to serving you some fine satire in the weeks/years to come. In the meantime, we would like to give our readers a little explanation of our name: Focopolitan is our demonym for Fort Collins. A demonym, in case you haven’t guessed, is what you call a person from a given place. Demos comes from Greek; it means people. Nym is name – get it? If you’re from Denver you’re a Denverite. If You’re from Halifax, you’re a Haligonian. If you’re from Galsgow, you’re Glaswegian. Up until you clicked on our page, Fort Collins had no demonym (we know, ’cause one of our staff members even asked our mayor!).
“Let’s break it down: FoCo is short for FOrt COllins. -Politan comes from the Greek word polis, meaning city-state. It denotes a person from a given polis. Combine the two, and there you have it – a person from FoCo!
“The Focopolitan Tribune has as its raison d’être (‘that’s reason for being’ in French) to champion AND ridicule both the city of Fort Collins (and in extension the greater Northern Colorado are) and its politics.
“We are currently working on our website, so we thought we’d just drop you a line to let you know that we’ll be coming soon with some good stuff for you!”